Bookstore & Cafe

"There is no friend as loyal as a book."— Ernest Hemingway

About Us

Wanderlust Bookstore& Cafe was founded by three old friends in the hopes of making language learning more accessible by taking common vocabulary and bringing it to a real-world setting. We have staff members from thirteen different countries representing more than twenty languages you can practice here with us! Our events are catered to second- and third-language learners (or fourth- and fifth- and so on!) looking to expand their network of language partners. Our menu is available in twenty languages and we sell books in ten of those languages to date. We are always looking to acquire more — let us know if there's a language you want represented here! We can't add a new language section if we don't know you're interested!

Speak any of our languages? We're hiring!

Don't be shy, say hi!!

Events and News

Staff Recommendations


Find us

cafe interior

Wanderlust Bookstore & Cafe
1513 Nowhere Ave.
Anyhwere-But-Here NY 00000

Stay Commected!